3 BIG Mistakes in Web Design

A website should provide a business and organisation with a wealth of interest, but very often, it’s 3 BIG things that can affect results

  1. Website content needs to be focused on visitors desires, goals, fears, frustrations and problems

Too often, website owners focus on their own needs, without understanding the importance of engaging with visitors.

People are only generally interested in their own issues, so it pays to acknowledge this with effective copy writing and relevant visuals.

The best course of action is to map out why visitors are coming to your website, for example, are they looking to solve a problem or do they have a concern about something?

Maybe it’s a mixture of both, so you need to box clever and develop your content (text and images) in a way that engages with people (your audience) and encourages them to stay on your website for a while.

Focusing on the needs of your visitors can improve engagement tenfold, resulting in much reduced bounce rates (a key metric in Google Analytics)

2.  A website needs to answer visitor questions

One of the key benefits of having a website is, you don’t have to man it 24 / 7.

The downside of this of course is, you do not have the benefit of answering questions and queries or concerns in person.

Therefore, you really need to ensure your website can take care of visitors needs and wants.

The BIG plus is, you will have fielded a lot of questions in your time, so you will be able to map out questions and answers, in order of importance.

More and more website owners use FAQs sections, which is good.

You can also use engaging copy to answer some of the BIG questions, reassuring visitors they are in the right place.

3. Websites need CALL TO ACTIONS

This is the classic mistake that results in low conversions.

Websites are an investment, so it’s important to maximise sign-ups, lead generation and online sales at all times.

I am not saying you need to be all SELL, SELL, SELL, but you always have to give visitors the opportunity to take positive action.

It is true, it is also very important to educate and inform, but web visitors in particular, won’t often spend their time trawling through information.

People need a little encouragement to do something positive, so call to actions need to be front and centre (prominent) at all times.

The real estate in any website, is the top half of the page.

You have limited space to catch a visitors attention and encourage them to take action.

Sign up buttons, enquiry form links and purchase buttons all need to remain front and centre as visitors work through your web content (by viewing an image or small video, clicking onto pages or products of interest etc.)

It is not always easy to see things from a web visitors perspective.

This is very much a discipline that comes from using UX or UX Web Design skills.

If you feel you could use some help in this area, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We can either help you figure it out for yourself or we can work for you, helping you uncover what changes need to be made and evaluate Analytics data to optimise results.

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